Friday, March 5, 2021

The Life of Zen Master Dogen (film)

Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation); Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Japanese image of the Buddha (Amitabha?) with Dogen Zenji in lower right (Zen in London)

(Zen Buddhism Europe) Pay attention, Doggone. The name of this film is: Zen, The Life of Zen Master Dogen.

This film, as the title suggests, is the story of famous Zen meditation teacher Dogen. Dogen Zenji learned Buddhism in the Caodong School of Zen in China. He is perhaps the most influential of the ancient Zen (jhana, chan, seon, dhyan') patriarchs.

While Zen is almost completely misunderstood in the West, England's Alan Watts ( understood. And American Professor Robert E. Buswell, Jr. (UCLA), who was a monk in both major traditions (Mahayana and Theravada), also tried to set the Occidental world straight:

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