Saturday, April 24, 2021

DMT: Psychedelics and the Cosmic Game

Dr. Andrew R. Gallimore ( edited by Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly

Since prehistory humans have used psychedelic ("mind-constructing") substances for communion with the "gods" [which Buddhism distinguishes as devas, brahmas, asuras, yakkhasnagas, kumbhandas, petasetc.]

These entheogens are also used to establish a connection with nature or purely for the pleasure and wonder they generate as they transform the human mind and world.

But one entheogen or natural psychedelic in particular towers above the rest: DMT (the spirit molecule).

DMT is different in its astonishing power to replace our normal waking world with a bizarre alternate reality replete with a panoply of intelligent alien (or interdimensional) beings we humans tend to look up to as "gods."

As well as being the most powerful, DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine) is also the most common naturally-occurring psychedelic. It can be found in countless plant species scattered across the Earth.

DMT carries a profound message embedded in our reality, a message that we are now beginning to decode. In Alien Information Theory, neurobiologist, chemist, and pharmacologist Dr. Andrew R. Gallimore explains how DMT provides the secret to the very structure of our reality.

Subtle energies, lights, and sounds are real.
It shows how our universe can be likened to a "cosmic game" (Sanskrit lila or "divine play") that we now find ourselves engaged in.

Dr. Gallimore explains how our waking reality was fabricated using a fundamental code that generated this universe — and countless others (as spoken of in Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain cosmologies) — as a digital device built from pure information with the purpose of enabling conscious intelligences like ourselves to emerge. Readers learn:
Buddhist cosmology speaks of 31 planes.
  • How fundamental digital information self-organizes and complexifies to generate the many complex forms and organisms that fill this world;
  • How our brains construct our subjective worlds;
  • How psychedelic drugs alter the structure of this world;
  • How DMT switches the reality channel by allowing the brain to access information from normally hidden orthogonal dimensions of reality;
  • How DMT provides the secret to exiting our universe permanently — to complete the cosmic game and become interdimensional citizens in hyperspace.
Alien Information Theory is a unique account of this hidden structure of reality and our place in it, drawing on a diverse range of disciplines -- including neuroscience, computer science, physics, and pharmacology -- to carefully explain these complex ideas. It is illustrated with full-color diagrams throughout. More

The Psychedelic Sangha loves scientific research into DMT and similar substances.

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