Saturday, April 24, 2021

Science: Using DMT to contact ETs (audio)

Everything is interconnected as One.
DMT researcher Dr. Andrew Gallimore, Ph.D. is a neurobiologist, pharmacologist, and chemist.

He joined Guest Host Connie Willis to talk about his scientific work into whether using psychedelic drugs like the powerful entheogen DMT is effective in communicating with alien entities, such as the alien insectoid praying mantis encountered by many abductees.

Dr. Gallimore then took calls from listeners for feedback on his ambitions to hear their thoughts and answer their questions. For instance, Brian from Colorado, who identifies himself as a remote viewer, reports that using entheogens (divine-within psychedelics) heightens his visions and his experience of synchronicities.
OPEN PHONE LINES: For the show's final hour, listeners called in to talk about anything on their mind.

Among them was Jim from Arkansas, who talks about his childhood encounter with a frightening gold-colored creature outside his bedroom window. He speaks of his surprise to discover, years later, that the creature strongly resembles a Native American god featured on a TV program he was watching. More + AUDIO

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