Thursday, May 6, 2021

Is this Western monk enlightened? (video)

The key realization to Buddhist enlightenment (bodhi) in the Heart Sutra is the demonstrable fact that all things are impersonal (anatta). That being true, what is there to do but be confident. Release into this present moment awareness. And let go of words already! Nirvana is. Words fail.

Release your faith in this awareness
(Amaravati Buddhist Monastery) Q&A by England's Ajahn Sumedho on March 8, 2021. Do we need a technique to reach realization, or what is the way to proceed? This Dhamma talk was given by Venerable ("Luang Por") Ajahn Sumedho (formerly Robert Karr Jackman), a prominent Western disciple of the enlightened Thai Forest Tradition meditation master Ajahn Chah at Amaravati, UK.

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