Thursday, May 6, 2021

Did we pre-plan the events in our lives?

Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; Robert Schwartz, George Noory, Coast to Coast

Rebirth gets called reincarnation (karma)
This is all pre-planned and therefore like a simulation (if not an actual simulation). Here's how. But first. Be not misled by conventional terms like "soul."

Is there a "soul"? Sure, yes, in a conventional sense. No, there is not, not in an ultimate sense. But that is deep philosophy. In Buddhist terms, anatta means "not-self," which is to say all things are impersonal.

If one understood that -- what anatta does and does not mean -- one would be enlightened right now. Re-read the Heart Sutra. That's what it's talking about: emptiness = impersonal, sunyata = anatta.
  • There is no form, feeling, perception, mental formation, consciousness... no nothing, meaning the Five Aggregates are empty, devoid of self, and egoless.
  • Who is reborn? No one.
  • What is reborn? An impersonal process of continuing consciousness.
  • How does the transition from life to life 
For all intents and purposes, there is a self, a soul, and there is rebirth. "What is reborn?" is a wrong question full of unquestioned assumptions. There is a process, and it continues life after life and has for countless lives, as wandering continues through samsara, the constant cycling of the Wheel of Life and Death. Beings (who are always becoming) are evolving and devolving.

That being said, we have pre-life plans. Who made these plans? Our "higher self" (as distinct from this limited self expressed as the current selfish personality with its very limited memory of things and very poor view of the big picture) together with a Council of kind and wise advisors.

Our souls' plan
Soul's Love (Rob Schwartz)
Rob Schwartz is a certified hypnotherapist who offers spiritual guidance and past life regressions. He appeared on Coast to Coast on May 3, 2021 to talk about how the direction of our lives and relationships is set up by our souls (higher selves) before birth and assisted by higher beings (akasha devas) who sometimes intervene on our behalf.

Our experiences on the human plane of existence are not random. For during the pre-human-birth period, the soul -- in consultation with wise spirit guides and sometimes even ascended masters -- puts together a kind of general road map. There is still freewill, and we can change the plan or decide against it, Schwartz explains.

There are many "possibilities depending on the personality's freewill." A small percentage of souls subsequently express fear or doubt about their plans, in which case those plans are modified so that they are in agreement with it, he adds.

Schwartz in the interview delved into why people might choose or agree to various hardships in a given life, like poverty, accidents, or illness. The reasons he listed include:
  • balancing or releasing karma
  • healing energies from past lives
  • experiencing contrast
  • correcting false beliefs about self.
According to Schwartz's research into pre-birth planning, we pick these challenges and hardships to cultivate qualities, "divine virtues," that are important to our souls, such as:
  • patience
  • unconditional love
  • empathy.
Your Soul's Plan has man workshops
Schwartz also referred to his therapeutic Between Lives Soul Regression, because the planning happens between lives.

He puts clients into a lengthy hypnotic regression to re-experience a past life that had a big impact on the plan for their current lifetime. Today (May 6, 2021) and in June, he is offering an online workshop on awakening to our life purpose and discovering our life plan. More + AUDIO

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