Sunday, May 16, 2021

Buddhists in space: China lands on Mars (video)

China successfully lands a rover on Mars
(CBS News, May 15, 2021) China has successfully landed a rover on Mars, joining the U.S. and the former Soviet Union as the only other countries to land on the red planet. CBSN contributor Isaac Stone Fish, the founder of Strategy Risks, spoke with Lana Zak about what this means for the future of space exploration.

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China’s Tianwen-1 reaches Mars
(Absolute Cosmos, Feb. 9, 2021) On February 10th 2021, the Chinese Tianwen-1 mission — an orbiter and lander — will swing into orbit, with a predicted landing date sometime in May. If all goes well, China will become just the third country to reach the Martian surface. Read more: theabsolutecosmos. Music: "Light in Dark Places" by Scott Buckley (music video link).

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