Monday, May 17, 2021

Master Niels: Breathing Mindfulness (video)

Master Niels (; Dhr. Seven (mindfulness definition), Wisdom Quarterly

A Buddhist monk teaches the first three breathing techniques for mindfulness
We can't rush inner peace and bodhi.
What is mindfulness (sati)? It is actually very difficult to find a clear or detailed definition. People just assume they know, and some of them are right, but most of them have nothing but misguided views. Mindfulness is bare awareness untainted by the habits of attraction, aversion, or confusion. Greed, hatred, and delusion are the Three Poisons. The immediate antidotes are nongreed, nonhatred, and nondelusion, otherwise known as letting go, loving kindness, and mindfulness. Mindfulness is dispassionate observation, being still as the watcher. It is keen presence of mind, the power of being in the now, the present moment, free of identifying or being led astray by thinking. It is accepting what is. It is allowing and remaining aware.

(Master Niels, June 30, 2020) A donation-based course to learn six extra techniques is available at Help support the Inner Mind Institute to spread mindfulness to as many people as possible:

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