Tuesday, August 31, 2021

American EVIL in detail: nuclear bombs (video)

Learn from the base, 8/14/21; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

How "Fat Man" and "Little Boy" work: US military nuclear inventions thrown on Japan
(Learn from the base) The US military planned to drop "Fat Man" on the city of Kokura but went with Plan B, targeting the large port city of Nagasaki. It was an immoral (evil) and illegal act -- as it is contrary to international treaties and conventions to target innocent civilians. Call in the lawyers. The world's biggest nuclear bomb was sent to destroy human beings and has terrorized the world ever since. Good work, Uncle Sam.

I'm not Fat Man. - You' will build him!
This 3D animation explains how. "Fat Man," a nice name for a monumentally dangerous nuclear weapon, was built to kill on an industrial scale. It did it for the profit of companies and fame of scientists like German-American Jew Robert Oppenheimer (head of the Manhattan Project) and German Jewish scientist Max Born, and Nazis brought into the US during Project Paperclip, and the US military-industrial complex. How does "Little Boy" work to kill?

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