Monday, August 30, 2021

USA declares peace on Afghanistan (video)

NBC News; ITV News; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Pentagon announces final U.S. troops have withdrawn from Afghanistan
(NBC News, Aug. 30, 2021) The U.S. Department of War* (at symbolic Pentagon HQ) held a briefing to announce that the last U.S. troops have withdrawn from Afghanistan as the August 31st deadline arrived in Afghanistan. PR Gen. Kenneth McKenzie noted that even though the military evacuation was complete, diplomatic efforts were still underway.

*Correction: In Newspeak, the new name is the euphemistic Orwellian Dept. of "Defense"

All U.S. troops have left Afghanistan, ending America's longest imperial war
(ITV News, Aug. 30, 2021) The last US troops have left the Vietnam-like quagmire and morass that was the illegal U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, ending America's longest racist, imperial-colonial war, which has cost $2 trillion+ and the lives of more innocent civilian-Afghans than will ever be counted, and more than 2,400 American militants good guys.

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