Thursday, August 26, 2021

Conspiracy of Silence: Bill Gates, Sex, Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, and the Mainstream Media’s CONSPIRACY of Silence
(Russell Brand, Aug. 16, 2021) There's a new book about Jeffrey Epstein by Julie K. Brown, Perversion of Justice: The Jeffrey Epstein Story.

But all the billionaires are doing it, not just me!

Perversion of Justice: The Jeffrey Epstein Story
It reveals the media’s conspiracy of mainstream media silence protecting him, as new reports emerge regarding his close relationship and friendship with Microsoft billionaire [and presumably fellow child molester] Bill Gates. This might well be why Melinda Gates abandoned longtime husband Bill and their sham marriage.

#JeffreyEpstein #BillGates Go to to get weekly bulletins too incendiary for anything but private inboxes.

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