Thursday, August 26, 2021

Awakening with Russell Brand: Eckhart Tolle

Break out of the Matrix with Eckhart Tolle
(Awakening with Russell, Aug. 12, 2021) Here's a clip from Russell Brand's Under the Skin podcast with spiritual teacher and author Eckhart Tolle (pronounced \ek-heart toe-lay\). Here he discusses how our culture provokes longing, fear, desire, wanting, craving, and obsession. Tolle tells us how to get out through awakening (and what sounds a lot like Buddhist mindfulness, that dispassionate awareness that is aware of what is present). Comment to let the show know any thoughts. 

#EckhartTolle #Awakening #Spiritualism #RussellBrand Listen to Brand's Luminary podcast Under The Skin, to hear from such guests as Edward Snowden, Jonathan Haidt, Jordan Peterson, Naomi Klein, Kehinde Andrews, Adam Curtis, and Vandana Shiva. Subscribe to Luminary at

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