Thursday, August 26, 2021

ETs are real, on Earth, and in contact (video)

Bizarre 6-Inch ET skeleton must be human or we're f'd | Science | AAAS (
"Ata" the space alien, ET, extraterrestrial skeleton specimen, found 2003 in Chile
Dr. Steven M. Greer has made contact and teaches a protocol for anyone to make contact.

Sirius is a feature-length documentary that follows Dr. Steven M. Greer, MD – an emergency medicine doctor turned UFO/new energy researcher – as he struggles to disclose top secret information about classified energy and propulsion techniques.

Along the way, Dr. Greer investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal U.S. suppression of technology that could save the environment and change all of our lives.

Dr. Greer accumulates over 100 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses who testify on record about their firsthand experiences with UFOs (UAPs) and with the active cover-up that has been going on about it for decades.

In the course of his research Dr. Greer is asked to look at an amazing discovery: Ata, a well preserved adult humanoid specimen, 6 inches long, from the Atacama desert in northern Chile found in 2003.

The truth will change the world and stop corps
Not until 2012 was he given permission to take DNA and bone samples from the specimen. At that same time a pre-eminent geneticist, hearing of this find, offered to conduct the DNA testing.

He enlisted a medical doctor from the same university, world-renowned for his work with skeletal anomalies, to view the X-rays and CT scans.

Their expertise along with Dr. Greer’s expansive knowledge of the subject bring more questions:
  • Where did this "Atacama humanoid" come from?
  • Are there other extraterrestrials like it?
  • What does it say about the origin of our Earthling species?

While on this odyssey, the audience gains a whole new perspective on advanced technology, human evolution (or devolution as Michael "The Forbidden Archeologist" Cremo calls it), and clandestine organizations that have manipulated and controlled the American and European public for centuries. More

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