Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh on Nirvana (video)

No Craving, Nirvana, and Letting Go
(Plum Village App, 9/25/20) In this short teaching video from the Plum Village app Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh talks about the last four exercises from the "Discourse on Mindful Breathing" (Anapanasati Sutta) to look more deeply in order to shed light on the true nature of all dharmas ("objects of mind, phenomena, things").

Note: The contemplation of impermanence is included in another short teaching video, "Concentrating and Liberating Our Mind." Excerpt from Nourishing Your Mother and Father in You | Dharma Talk, 9/30/11 (Magnolia Grove).

Equanimity: The Wisdom of Non-Discrimination | Thich Nhat Hanh
(Plum Village App, Sept. 8, 2021) In this short teaching video from the Plum Village App (plumvillage.app) Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh teaches us about upeksha -- "equanimity," the wisdom [or more correctly, the "knowledge"/ñāna] of non-discrimination.

Excerpt from The Path of Emancipation, 6-9-98. Find more similar short teachings on the FREE Plum Village app Enjoy! 🙏Help caption and translate this video: amara.org.

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