Sunday, October 17, 2021

Elon Musk? Can machines fight climate change?

Jimmy Dore (TJDS, video); Seth Auberon, Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly

This guy's your great hope and hero?
Never mind that carbon is good for the environment -- nourishing plants on land and algae in the seas -- in a beautiful, self-balancing feedback loop. What is the big business' interest in the environment? Making money with the help of corrupt science funded by government and private donors. Let's clean the pollution! Nah, too much trouble. Let's go after carbon so that carbon-based life forms can worry about their very being on the planet. Things are spiraling out of control in the natural world, not because we have too big of a "carbon footprint" but because of meddling, toxic extraction, and raping the surface of the planet, Gaia (Bhumi, Tierra, Urth). Stop corporations and their disposable plastic consumer items. We only use what they sell us, so let's do something about what is allowed to be sold rather than what private citizens buy or are made to want to buy. Go against the stream. Musk is not going to solve anything for us. He is a a bought Bot for the power structure, not a radical entrepreneur doing anything he wants. He is directed, propped up, and will be taken down by the powers that be when they're done with him (like Zuckerberg, Gates, and others).

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