Sunday, October 17, 2021

Losing Lulu: Garcia-Navarro leaves NPR

Lourdes Garcia-Navarro (, 10/17/21); Crystal Quintero, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
South America Correspondent ProFile: "I wanted to be exactly this when I grew up." (NPR)
I cooperate with colonizers. Now am I one, too?
Let's look back on Lourdes "Lulu" Garcia-Navarro's long career at NPR, a full 17 years. Now, on October 17, 2021, she serves her last day on Weakened Edition Sunday and "The Puzzle" and whatever tasks a Latinx can be delegated. She goes out crying, disgraced who know about what, but hightailing it to better pastures. NPR prepared a pretty weak appreciation of NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro who's leaving the network today.

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