Saturday, December 25, 2021

Enlightenment in the forest is possible (video)

American Buddhist monk Ven. Subhuti; Dhr. Seven (ed.), Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly
The light of wisdom streams through the forest, illuminating the path (Wallpaper Cave)

Knowing and Seeing at Pa Auk Forest Monastery
Knowing and Seeing (5th ed.)
(American monk Bhante Subhuti, Oct. 27, 2015) Life at the Pa-Auk Forest Monastery in Mawlamyine, Burma (a brutal dictatorship and police state now known as Myanmar).

This footage was put together from the DVD version. All other YouTube versions (that I know of) are made from the Vcd low resolution version.

This video was originally made for my brother in 2005 from a silent 55-minute video shot by the England Group in 2003.

Now if you think this production is longwinded even for people with long attention spans and lots of patience, try watching the original. ;,)  As I was doing an audio commentary, "This is the clinic," a friend told me to add some realistic background sounds. Later came a script with a "narrator's voice," which many dislike, but it was the best I could do.

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