Saturday, December 25, 2021

NASA’s James Webb Telescope launch (video)

Fake CGI; Quanta; Real Engineering; Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
(The Independent) How fake, how CGI does something have to be before people notice? Watch: NASA "launches" James Webb Space Telescope in historic Christmas Day lift-off

How NASA’s Webb Telescope will transform our place in the seen universe
(Quanta Magazine, Dec. 3, 2021) NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is the most powerful telescope in the known history of humanity, and it's one of the most ambitious engineering projects ever attempted. It will witness the birth of stars and galaxies at the edge of time and probe alien skies for signs of life.

(Real Engineering, Dec. 18, 2021) The Insane Engineering of James Webb Telescope.  New streaming platform:

In this new documentary from Quanta, JWST’s lead scientists and engineers discuss what inspired the telescope, how it was built, the extraordinary challenges it will face upon launch, and its potential discoveries.

Read the feature article at Quanta: Quanta Magazine is an editorially independent publication supported by the Simons Foundation.

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