Monday, January 3, 2022

Buddhism for Beginners, London (video)

Richard Jones, London Buddhist Vihara, 7/3/16; Amber Larson, A. Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Buddha's First Sermon (Sutra)
(London Buddhist Videos, July 3, 2016) Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta or "The Turning of the True Wheel Sutra" is explained in under 15 minutes in a lesson by Richard Jones of the London Buddhist Vihara, England.

It's easy to speak in generalities, but what about explaining the details?

Buddhism for Beginners, Lesson 1: Let's look at "suffering," the first of the Four Truths that lead to enlightenment or the "noble" (aryan) state of an awakened one. In the first sutra, the Buddha covers all of the essential teachings. This discourse revolves around the Four Noble (Enlightening) Truths. The London Buddhist Vihara examines dukkha.

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