Saturday, February 19, 2022

Peaceful protests now illegal in Canada (video)

Trudeau: Is this anyone's liberal hero?
(Russell Brand, Feb. 19, 2022) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has invoked emergency powers to deal with the Canadian freedom convoy. Are these the actions of a liberal leader who believes in democracy? #Trudeau #Truckers #Canada

Elon Musk thinks PM Trudeau has gone too far like Hitler

"This is terrifying": What Justin Trudeau is doing in Canada is "insane"
(Sky News Australia, Feb. 19, 2022) It is "insane" what Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is now doing, says Sky News Host Rowan Dean. "Justin Trudeau has declared an emergency act," Mr. Dean says. "The strongest and most repressive tool in his government to try and silence and starve these people – to stop them getting their hands on their own money, to stop them getting petrol [fuel], to stop them getting food." PM Trudeau said the powers were needed to quell the continuing Freedom Convoy protests. "This is terrifying," Mr. Dean adds.

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