Monday, March 14, 2022

Happy Pi Day (Pie Day), 3/14; Ananda (DB Meditation), Seth Auberon, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Yes, math is stupid, but do your homework!
What happens on Pi Day? For mathematicians, it’s an opportunity to celebrate Pi, one of the most important numbers ever, which represents the circumference-to-diameter ratio of a circle.

Although Pi is usually rounded down to 3.14 (as in March 14th, not to be confused with May 4th, the "May the Force Be With You" Day), it can go on indefinitely.

The most precise value for Pi, according to Guinness World Records, is more than 62 trillion digits (62,831,853,071,796 to be precise). It was calculated by the University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland last August.

Math whiz Winnie Cooper (Danica McKellar) promotes math and STEM for girls and others!
Kiss my @$$, Winnie. Math sucks!
For those who dislike math, there is pie. Pie with cherries. Pie with blueberries. Pie with apples. Pie with pizza toppings. Every single pie, anything stuffed in flaky gluten-free dough. Pi (and pie) bring joy to many people, whether we try to calculate it or eat it. More

Wisdom Quarterly Question of the Day: We use the Base 10 numerical system for our math (due to our 10 digits presumably), and this leads to problems sometimes. If we utilize Base 9 or Base 11, would Pi suddenly become a rational number, you know, one that ends instead of extending out into infinity with a trail of fractional numbers? It seems in the past Pi was not the biggest discovery but rather a better way to measure circles. Any math nerds out there able to answer this objection?

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