Monday, March 14, 2022

US media censors RT America (video)

Host Mitch Jeserich, Lee Camp, Jessica J. Gonzalez (KPFA FM, 3/14/22); Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
The John Oliver of RT: "I'm making comedy out of the darkest issues in the world" |

Lee Camp: Redacted Tonight is The Daily Show with sharper teeth (
No free speech for UC Berkeley's Mario Salvio
Guest: Lee Camp hosted a program called Redacted Tonight on RT America. He was dismissed after RT America was shut down by censors on March 1st after it was dropped by numerous Big Tech cable and satellite providers that now control the media in the US. Spotify Corporation also stopped platforming Camp's podcast. No one can access it now anywhere. He and his anti-war views have been disappeared. All he has left is a Patreon and a YouTube page dedicated to his show (Moment of Clarity with Lee Camp). Who would advocate shutting down free speech?

I used to be a thin blond (linkedin)
Lawyer Jessica J. Gonzalez comes on as the left-wing "Thought Police" to defend shutting down anti-war voices in the name of hating war. She's more anti-war than thou. Gonzalez is defending large corporations that control the media and demanding that they deplatform voices like Lee Camp's Redacted Tonight. Why? Apparently, we all hate Russia again, and we will not stand for voices that don't hate Putin and Russian people, too!

Not evil, just a useful tool for the Powers That Be
Guest: Jessica J. González is the co-CEO of the media "activist" group Free Press. She is also the co-founder of the campaign Change The Terms that has been pushing to shut down RT and remove it from YouTube so that we don't have to put up with opposing voices from people like Christopher Hedges, Thom Hartmann, and the Lee Camps of the world.

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