Sunday, March 27, 2022

How to take a punch in a fight (video)

Eds., Wisdom Quarterly; National Geographic (; Ando Mierzwa, 8/24/15

We're Hollywood royalty. We get away with it
How we are, reborn on Earth. We need the grossest, most tangible, palpable, explicit examples to understand a comparison.

Most of our sayings are based on something vile and literal.

That's what makes listening to death metal seem almost healthy, taking British poet A.E. Housman's advice in "Terence, this is stupid stuff" to make ourselves immune to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune by gradual self-exposure to them in poetry or literature to build our tolerance for real life.

For example, "brown noser" means what? The nicest people say it. How graphic do we need to get to get it?

Rape is horrible, even if it's rampant in prison, so it makes sense to say "raped by machinegun fire".

Profanity in American English comes from prison, the horror of the reality of which is too much for ordinary minds to comprehend until they arrive and see the indifference of the guards firsthand. "Bitch" is a prison term, like "punk."

Fleece Johnson (
"I will F you up..." Up, up what? Most of us do not realize what we are saying. It's an incomplete sentence full of menace because it implies a definite part of the body.

Therefore, let us contemplate the punch. Most of us will not get in fights. Most of us will not throw or receive a punch. Most of us will not be knocked out by an opponent. Well, not literally.

But figuratively that punch is coming for us. It's already been here, and it's coming round again.

After all, it's our main problem -- our only real problem among the 84 -- not wanting what we have.

So let's brace ourselves, enter the dojo, and listen to sensei explain how to take the untakeable, how to receive and deal with the intolerable:

How to take a punch in a fight
WARNING: The advice and movements shown in this video are for informational and educational purposes only. Consult a doctor before engaging in any exercise or martial arts program.

(Ando Mierzwa) Whether training in the martial arts for self-defense -- or just living life -- learning how to take a punch is a crucial skill. Here are two important tips.

"Fight war not wars," but how to fight ignorance?
SUMMARY: The basics of taking a punch are pretty simple: Keep mouth shut, tuck chin, and roll with it. But what to when it’s not possible to roll? What can be done when one gets rocked to core? Here are training tips that might help.

DISCLAIMER: Ando Mierzwa is not a medical professional. Take his advice and practice at your own risk.

TIP #1: When getting hit, focus before quitting. Time will not stop. A bad guy will not stop punching. When getting rocked, it is necessary to get focus back right away. It doesn't matter what is done, but when taking a hit, train to move through the moment instead of trying to stop it.

No, this does not mean ignore the pain, Control it. When getting rocked, take a breath, protect yourself, and focus.

They gave us a secret word to shout to fight.
TIP #2: Get a trigger word. Security dogs are trained to attack when they hear a secret code word. Do the same Don't get lost in a fog of pain and panic. Instead, clear the clouds as fast as possible by repeating a trigger word silently.

Maybe say "GO" or "FIGHT." It doesn't matter. Just pick a word that fires up the spirit. Don't let voices in your head turn on you. Don’t give them time. This is the big lesson on how to take a punch:

You can’t control the fight if you can’t control your mind. So give the mind something to focus on. Of course, there’s a life lesson here.

We all take hits every day. Each hit you take is a chance to strengthen your fighting spirit. No matter what happens out there, when you take a hit, take a breath, make a decision, and follow through.

That’s not just the secret to winning a fight, it’s the secret to winning in life. Keep fighting (for a happy life)!

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