Sunday, March 27, 2022

Will Smith is a disgrace (fight at Oscars)

Oscar Night was ruined by a Hollywood hypocrite, preaching "love" after striking a comedian making fun of his unattractive wife's choice of haircuts. Then he wins an Academy Award and far from mentioning any remorse over his criminal actions, he launches into a prepared speech about wanting to be a "vessel for love," which garners him a standing ovation. It's Hollywood protecting disgusting behavior. It's a night that will live in infamy.
  • #CancelViolenceAgainstComedians
How will Chris Rock be restored? How will the Musty Prince of Bel-Air make things right? Guess you find a unicorn who swings or hands out hall passes, and you have to do everything to protect your Tinsel Town trophy. Right, Will? It's trash behavior, a disgrace.

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