Monday, March 21, 2022

Research scientists study the afterlife

Aria Bendix (Business Insider/MSN, 3/19/22); Pat Macpherson, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Of course consciousness continues. It's rebirth.
Research scientists who study near-death experiences (NDEs) say they believe in a consciousness beyond our physical reality.

People often encounter death in similar ways, two University of Virginia professors said at a South by Southwest (SXSW) panel.

Many people describe floating above their bodies and encountering a beam [or tunnel] of light.

Professors and medical doctors Dr. Jim Tucker and Dr. Jennifer Kim Penberthy spend a lot of time thinking about the afterlife.

Researchers study afterlife (business Insider)
They are psychiatry professors at the University of Virginia. Dr. Tucker studies near-death experiences and young children who report memories of a past life.

Dr. Penberthy studies both near-death experiences and after-death communications, or people who claim they were visited by a deceased loved one.

Their research has convinced them there's a consciousness beyond our physical reality, they claim at a SXSW panel in Austin, Texas, on Tuesday.

"There is more than the idea that we just live in this body and die and that's it," Dr. Penberthy said. More

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