Monday, March 21, 2022

WHITE Awake: Taylor "Nazi Barbie" Swift

I. Rony, Wisdom Quarterly; Fantamo on Taylor Swift; LA Shambhala White Awake Study Group

"Taylor Swift doesn't write her own songs"
(Fantamo, 1/25/22) This is the Damon Albarn interview (LA Times), and here's Swift's response (Twitter).

She's the hottest star in country pop.
The Los Angeles Shambhala White Awake Study Group is a group for anyone who identifies as WHITE (Aryan, Neo-Nazi, Nordic, Anglo-Saxon, Caucasian, Scandinavian, Sami, German, Austrian, South African, Aussie, Kiwi, Celt, now also accepting Albinos and light-skinned half-breeds).

It's for European folks who want to learn more about the realities and the unintended impacts of white privilege so that they can consciously contribute to racial justice rather than unconsciously perpetuating patterns of prejudice.

If only num-num Nazi Barbie could write (Wiki)
We gather with other people who identify as white to create a space of learning without causing more harm. We hold the Western Shambhala values of basic goodness, bravery, gentleness, kindness, and understanding at the center of our study.
  • Online 3rd Sunday of the month
  • 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Pacific Time
She's disappointed us again, now with her music
WHAT WE DO: We study antiracism through reading, contemplation, and discussion. We are currently reading Wilkerson's Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents. Drop-ins welcome, even if you haven’t read the book.

Each meeting takes time for a short meditation period, a brief review of Group Norms, and may include a personal writing practice and small or large group discussion.

I didn't have my glasses on. I didn't see
Occasionally a meeting will deviate from a book study to focus on a relevant article, film, or podcast. Like, at the next meeting, can we like talk about like Nazi Barbie like not writing her own songs?
Take it back Taylor Swift is no 'Nazi Barbie,' Jews tell Camille Paglia (The Forward)

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