Wednesday, March 9, 2022

"Right-wing Buddhists" are real?

Buddha Bro Jason Rheaume aka Manu (Humble Stature on  FB, 1/1); Eds,. Wisdom Quarterly

Trump is the Buddha in total disguise...or Budai.
Happy New Year! This marks the launch of my [Jason Manu Rheaume] new project, "Spiritual Right."

There will be a lot more videos from me and everyone else involved in the project. Thank you to everyone for the continued support, and may you all be happy, peaceful, and liberated.

I'm a right-wing conservative Buddhist.
Here is the vision for this right-wing project: The West has become a spiritual wasteland of "progressive" and materialistic forces.

Wokeness masquerades as authentic spiritual tradition, gutting and commodifying ancient teachings to fit its values.

Traditionalism and conservatism will mean different things to different people; however, many can take comfort knowing that they are far from alone in feeling alienated by the invasion of leftist politics into spiritual institutions.

Our purpose [as Rightwing Buddhists] is to provide spiritual and philosophical food to thoughtful people.

Bound by a set of principles, we as individuals seek to share what we have learned in the hope of healthy debate, teaching what has worked for us and learning from one another.

I am without sin and a Christian.
With courage in our hearts and guided by genuine wisdom traditions [and conservative think tank talking points, AM radio host ferocity, Donald J. Trump's populism, the love of guns and family values, cowboy hats and trucks, Land Rovers and big checkbooks], we aim within a worldly context at ataraxia, "a lucid state of robust equanimity characterized by freedom from distress and worry." More

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