Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Right-wing Buddhists: "Let's Have a War"

Lee Ving, Derf Scratch (FEAR, Penelope Spheeris' The Decline of Western Civilization); Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

CIA and US economy profit from endless war.
What is the Buddha's view of war -- as in a "just" war (say, to fend off repression, enslavement, an invasion by evil communists)?

There can be no doubt that the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni (the "Sage of the Scythians") is a fan of peace.

There is a war he believes in, a kind of jihad -- the struggle with ourselves, the peaceful "war" against ignorance, the Way of Destroying Enemies, which is to make them friends by universal-friendliness known as metta or agape, loving-kindness.

Right-wing Buddhist Jason Manu Rheaume
That is not to say that there are no "right-wing Buddhists." There are. Jason Manu Rheaume comes to mind, as does his Canadian pro-Nazi friend Canadian former-professor Brian Ruhe.

In addition, there are the crazed "monks" of Sri Lanka and Burma who advocate for war against infidels (resident Muslims) and nationalism in the name of preserving indigenous Buddhism opposed by outside missionary religions who arrive to displace the Dharma.
  • FEAR, led by Texan Lee Ving, sings LET'S HAVE A WAR: There's so many of us/ There's so many/ Let's have a war/ So you can go and die/ Let's have a war/ We could all use the money/ Let's have a war/ We need the space/ Let's have a war/ Clean out this place/ It already started in the city/ Suburbia will be just as easy/ There's so many of us/ There's so many of us/ There's so many/ Let's have a war/ Jack up the Dow Jones/ Let's have a war/ It can start in New Jersey/ Let's have a war/ Blame it on the middle-class/ Let's have a war/ We're like rats in a cage/ It already started in the city/ Suburbia will be just as easy/ There's so many of us/ There's so many/ Let's have a war/ Sell the rights to the networks/ Let's have a war/ Have our wallets get fat like last time/ Let's have a war/ Give guns to the queers/ Let's have a war/ The enemy is within
The conservative Buddhist Manu
Now the nominal left, progressives, and liberals keep getting baited by the mainstream media to be pro-war. Many must be Buddhists or Buddhist sympathizers who love the Buddha's message of peace, sanity, mindfulness, and enlightenment.

How are they driven crazy by propagandists and the litany of alphabet agencies who want war (CIA, NSC, NSA, FBI, DHS, IRS, KGB, Meta, Google, FB, IG, TT, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, et al)?

You expect them to treat us fairly? - No.
Ignoring Malcolm X's warning, we are made to hate the oppressed and identify with the oppressors. Like MLK Jr. realized and taught us, our country (the US of A) is the world's leading promoter of violence. We're often the guilty party, the instigators (e.g., funding and arming Tibet against China, Afghanistan against the USSR, illegally bombing Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not to mention Nevada and the atolls to test the bombs we planned to illegally and immorally drop on innocent civilian noncombatants, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, setting up pretexts for war since time immemorial, like our first invasion and occupation of the Philippines when our country began).

Buddhist Culture Wars: Snowflake Sanghas to Alt-Right Buddhism (Ann Gleig /B. Artinger)
It's us, the great U.S. We're the Evil Empire that Rome once was, the the UK recently used to be, that ancient Greek states used to be, seeking to dominate the world by military might.

Why wouldn't some Buddhists jump on board and imagine that the Buddha is okay with some external wars sometimes. He is not.

Christianity has been subverted, and lots of Christians are pro-war, pro-violence, and pro-killing in that religion's namesake. Islam, however it originated (some say it was dreamt up by Vatican scholars with evidence to show for it) has been turned from the religion of peace to popular Wahabism, advocated by CIA agents and operatives in cubicles in nice shiny buildings outside of Washington, DC, to fabricate a target for US aggression, and so many Muslims suffer for it without being able to point a finger at where this nonsense is originating.

Judaism, the progenitor of Christianity/Catholicism, seems all about war; just read the Book of Judges in the Christian Bible (which is half Jewish Bible, half Christian "New Testament").

Was Jesus a gun nut Republican?
Let's not get started at pro-war terror state Israel, as it occupies and destroy Palestine, something dreamt up by the geniuses in England as they mapped the world in their greatest geopolitical interest, creating the "Middle East" in the process, or their number one client the USA. We buy military technology and send them free weapons to do our bidding in the area. A CIA chief once said "One Israel is worth ten CIAs," that's how valuable it is to American business interests in the region.

Yeah, so okay, let's have a YOU can go die. Who cares? It's not me or my kids who'll be fighting it, our friends and relatives who'll be supporting it or believing what the mainstream media news says about it. So we are not pro-Ukraine and anti-Russia. We are not anti-Afghanistan or Taliban or Mujahidin or ISIS or Al Qaida or Bin Laden or the next boogieman monster the media creates. But you can be. FEAR will be there singing your anthem.

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