Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Bill Maher pushes against LGBT extremism

New Rule: Along for the Pride | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO, 5/20/22) It’s okay to ask questions about something that’s very new [LGBTQI+] and involves children, says Maher. Website.

"Cis" is regular, vanilla, milquetoast.
(The Jimmy Dore Show, May 24, 2022) Bill Maher is frequently one of the bigger sh*tlibs on television, but on certain issues he is willing to stray from liberal orthodoxy. One of those issues is the rapid social changes that have attended the increased public awareness and acceptance for members of the transsexual community. During a recent segment Maher took issue with what he terms the “excesses” of the trans movement that may be harmful to children. Is he right to raise these issues or has Maher gone too far? Jimmy Dore, along with The Dive’s Jackson Hinkle and American comedian Kurt Metzger, discuss Maher’s attempt to move the culture with his mainstream TV show.

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