Thursday, May 26, 2022

Intro to Texas shooter: Sal Rolly Ramos

Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY
Sal Ramos was sensitive with a stutter and a lisp, bullied and let down by the school system.

He couldn't possibly be? Right wingers are only saying it to put down trans youths in Texas, to make other "illegal aliens" in former-Mexico?

Certainly, the Right does wrong. But that doesn't make Sal Rolly Ramos straight, cisgender, or unmolested. Something (likely abuse by adults) made him crack and go crazy with anger.

Give everybody guns! Sarah Caribou Barbie Palin
Grandma got shot in the face. He returned to his elementary school and shot up his demons/abusers (bully kids of the past as represented by innocent children of the present and a few teachers).

Who knows what happened, so why preclude explanations offered until we know? It's not a farfetched guess, particularly if some online photos of him crossdressing are actually him (even if fakes are planted to distract from the fact that some are real).
Question the official narrative even if it comforts. Look into the uncomfortable to determine what is and isn't true. It's as basic as that. Living in a bubble of ignorance is no way to live.

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