Thursday, May 26, 2022

Is it guns or is it Texas? (signs)

Family Guy;; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Sal Ramos was transgender.* - That's a sexist rumor on the Right! - He was troubled? - Yes.

There are signs that Texas is one wholly f'd up place.

Guns are warmer in Texas.
There are certain signs that Texas is one googoomuthalovin place, not indications but actual signs. They're everywhere, though mostly at El Arroyo (Instagram).

Texas is big country, a wild frontier addicted to its guns. Just as the state/separate country is reeling from a horrific school shooting, it's hosting the NRA National Convention.

You been warned: TX luvs killing.
A teen named Ramos goes off the rails because of his lisp, stutter, and merciless bullying at school, on the verge of not graduating, failed by the school system, he sets out to do something about.

It's like the man with the lawnmower the Dead Kennedys sing about. The mower wouldn't start, so he shot it. Get 'er done, Texas style. There are plenty of people losing their S. Los Angeles and Chicago with all their anti-gun laws in place have some of the worst gun outcomes.

Texas can be very threatening.
It's easy as a liberal, as a political progressive, to be against guns and want them all gathered up and melted down. We'd like to see guns stripped of all police AND all criminals (and certainly from all criminal-police).

But, sadly, that's not the answer. It would be easy to do -- in a police state -- yet it would not solve the problem. People would still harm one another with another instrument. The proof that it wouldn't work is that other places, like Canada, have more guns per capita yet fewer gun crimes.
Beware: Texan dad in house.
It isn't the number of guns. Guns as a weapon are simply more effective at inflicting harm. When anger takes the reins, the outcome will not be good. It would be better never to touch a gun.

Everyone who wants to be a cop or soldier or spy, licensed to carry a gun and shoot whomever they want, particularly people of color, should beware. We must worry about our karma, our deeds (and our motivations behind them), which we store up and reap the results of.

There's a reason it's called the Lonestar State.
Depriving Americans of rights, particularly rural types, is no way to run a country. They'll call us "cosmopolitan." We have to get at the root of the problem. And the instrument is not the root, though it would probably be better to sue the NRA and gun companies for their profiteering off human misery.

Where was country music invented? Texas?
But once guns are gone, all of them, not just those in the hands of people we don't like as a result of being exposed to the media, the problem will not end. Let's rid ourselves of cars! They do so much harm. Let's rid ourselves of processed junk foods! Their killing us. Let's rid ourselves of pesticides! They're destroying our insides. Let's get rid of all things that can cause harm...then we'll be happy?

Eat Mexican cheese (queso) or do yoga?
Let's rid ourselves of the roots of all harm -- greed, hatred/fear, and delusion. Then we'll be all right, even in the company of guns and poisons and jerks. "We have to do something," we say with urgency watching the TV news. We do. But changing the Constitution's First or Second Amendments and banning guns isn't going to do it. It can't always be our kneejerk reaction.

*Was troubled teen shooter white Latino Salvador Rolando Ramos transgender?
Trans in Texas is tough. Go to Austin.
The mainstream media propaganda machine says that question is not even allowed. This Newweek reader (Juan Vasquez) says otherwise:

(Newsweek comments, 5/25/22) "Newsweek got rid of my earlier post because it doesn't fit their politically correct narrative. There are photos online from his social accounts showing him [the shooter] as transgender. The fact that you [Newsweek] choose to ignore it, write your own version, and delete posts proves your obvious bias. Some news, can anyone say PropagandaWeek?"

Texas is gun country, hunting and killing, God's country, boozing it up.

For karma's sakes, steer clear of using guns.
According to mainstream propagandists at Newsweek, a February poll conducted by the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas at Austin found that 43 percent of Texans were in favor of stricter gun laws, but 34 percent wanted the laws left as they are, and 16 percent believed the laws should be less strict, while 7 percent of respondents didn't know or had no opinion.
  • Texas has more than one million gun owners and in a 2020 study by the RAND Corporation, 45.7 percent of adults in Texas said they "live in homes with guns."
How many Texans own guns? One million. What percentage is that? We don't know. The reportage was duplicitously made to sound worse by reporting how many adults live in a home with a gun. Why? The number of owners might sound low. If a home has a gun, every adult there "lives with a gun" without access to it or possibly even knowledge that it's there. More

Is straightforward (unslanted) reporting too much to ask for from the RAND Corporation who did the survey or Newsweek who reported it?
  • Should teachers be ordered to stop being abusive to kids?
  • Should Texans be corralled and further armed to let Nature take its course?
  • Should Texas be annexed and made its own problem, kicked out of the West and forced to be only part of the South?
  • Should we stop picking on Texas over its Republican ideals?
  • Should Christians be taken to task for promoting intolerance, hatred, guns, alcohol, country music, war, right wing politics, xenophobia, and hypocrisy?
  • Should we be temperate again and let the Temperance League clean up alcohol? The Mafia and Vegas would probably appreciate it, as would the weed industry.
  • SOURCE: More Hilarious Signs Only Found in Texas (
Don't mess with Texas. The Wild West is a place apart, trigger happy, armed, and on the hunt.

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