Thursday, May 26, 2022

Massive new and underground FORESTS

Future Unity; Our World; Dhr. Seven, CC Liu, Ananda (Dharma B Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly

China just SHOCKED American scientists with a way to make NEW forests
(Future Unity, May 11, 2022) This is mainland China, shown in red. On the northern boundary is Mongolia, a country not many people know about, shown in blue. Straddling the border between the two countries is the Gobi Desert, one of the driest places in the world. China is in an intense race against time to stop the advance of the Gobi southwards as it threatens the whole country's well-being. It is a hard fight, but China has a plan to turn the desert into a verdant forest! What is China doing to prevent the spread of the Gobi? Is it winning the war threatening its food supply? Join in as we look at the insane method China is using to turn its desert into a green wooded wonderland.

The underground forests in mystery holes of Guangxi, China 

(Our World, 11/28/21) Why is a small region of China (near India) home to an extraordinary number of giant holes containing vast, barely explored subterranean forests? One professor is on a dangerous mission to find out.

This film was first broadcast in 2012 when the world (as we know it) ended in accordance with the Aztec Calendar and various predictions (e.g., Michael Stipe). Our World

More documentaries from Our Life, Our History, Our World, Our Stories. Explore Our World and watch some of the most successful nature documentary series about the environment and the wonders and dangers nature has to offer. Our World will be posting some of the longest-running and most successful nature documentary series, revealing the trials and tribulations of life on Earth and often for the first time, the secrets of the natural world in all its wonder. Content distributed by ITV Studios.

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