Thursday, May 26, 2022

Why the US has mass shootings; YT censors

Chris Hedges, Jimmy Dore (TJDS, 5/26/22); Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

YouTube exec claims YouTube doesn’t censor!
(The Jimmy Dore Show, May 26, 2022) YouTube’s Chief Product Officer Neal Mohan is not a stand-up comedian, but perhaps he should be. That’s the assessment some are making after Mohan appeared on stage at a forum to claim that YouTube is not a “gatekeeper,” determining what information can and can’t appear on the platform. He then proceeded to describe the various ways YouTube censors content it feels should not appear on the platform. See? Comedy!

ABOUT: Jimmy Dore and ​​Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Christopher Hedges, who had his content scrubbed from YouTube [for being too far to the Left], discuss the level of cognitive dissonance that must go on for Mohan to make a statement like this.

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