Thursday, May 26, 2022

The HEART is NOT a pump!

Dr. Gil Hedley, Ph.D. (; Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
How do we perceive, and where is the seat of consciousness, in here or in there?

Integral Anatomy Heart: Unwinding the Heart Center
(Somanaut, 1/15/21Dr. Gil Hedley, Ph.D. (YouTube) demonstrates the unwinding of the spinning spirals of the human heart center and reflects on the nature of the heart center as the place where the blood refreshes its movement as well as its oxygen levels. It's a beautiful video for those looking to learn more about human anatomy and connect to the mystery of the beating heart (

Many of us live under the medical myth that the heart is a pump, an idea borne of an industrialized culture that views the body as a machine.

The heart however is so much more beautiful and fascinating than we ever could have imagined!

“Modern analysis of the heart has shown that in spite of the fact that the most powerful ventricle of the heart can shoot water 6 feet into the air, the amount of pressure actually needed to force the blood through the entire length of the body’s blood vessels would have to be able to lift a 100 lb weight one mile high,” according to Stephen Buhner.

So how does the blood move around the labyrinth-like vessels of our body? It moves of its own accord.
  • [A better explanation is electromagnetic as the "pumping" of the heart produces a torsion field that the iron-rich blood responds to, not by pumping and pressure, but drawn like the salty ocean water tide, which is chemically quite like the saline solution that is our blood.]
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You see, blood flow is not a simple stream like we once thought. It is in fact composed of two streams, spiraling around each other much like the image of a DNA double helix, at the center of which is a vacuum.

“Blood flow through living vessels is much more like a tornado than anything else: Such a vacuum is necessary for producing a vortex,” says Stephen Buhner.

How cool is that? This spiral dance is not only found in the bloodstream, but also in the blood cell itself! Blood cells in fact spin on their own individual axes of rotation. They are smaller spinning cells in a larger spinning vortex.

If minds are not blown yet, let’s go back to the heart. The heart itself has recently been discovered not to be a mass of muscle, but rather a “helicoidal myocardial band” that has spiraled in upon itself, creating its unique shape and its separate chambers.

This is called the helical heart, and one can see doctors unravel it by searching “helical heart” on YouTube.

Leonardo DaVinci had a theory, now proven to be correct.

Pair this with discoveries that the heart functions as an endocrine gland, has its own nervous system that makes and releases its own neurotransmitters [because as research WQ reported years ago, the heart and gut are lined with countless neurons, meaning that our digestive systems have more to do with mood than our brains], and emits an electromagnetic field that is far stronger than the brain’s.

[With this understanding] we begin to move from the idea that the heart is simply a mechanical pump. It is a spiraling organ of perception [like Buddhism has always said].
  • [Wisdom Quarterly can go further to inform the world that the heart is more the seat of consciousness that the brain or spinal cord in this holographic body, as much as the brain may have to do with information processing and memories. Within the physical heart, the hadrya, there is a base of perception, a point related to the blood, and there is what looks like a green-tinted "mirror" that records and reflects experience. As wild and unlikely as this sounds, it can be confirmed by direct personal experience through meditation, with samatha for temporary purification and intensification of mind, and vipassana for "clear seeing" of ultimate truth.]
If that’s not beautiful, we don’t know what is!

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