Sunday, June 12, 2022

Lying Joe Biden calls US inflation "Putin tax"

(The Jimmy Dore Show) US sanctions against Russia are hurting the USA way more than Russia, but maybe that was the point for Biden to enrich American billionaires, oil tycoons, and other benefitting from anti-Putin hate. It's like Orwell's "Two Minutes Hate" from 1984.
Washington Post editorial board absolves Biden: "$5 gas is largely Putin's fault" (
Comrade Putin getting married in 1983.
President Joe tries to pull a Trump, labelling US inflation a "Putin tax" as he tries to deflect blame for the failures of his administration.

Biden is demented or suffering from the middling stages of dementia that is only getting worse. Poor Putin looks comatose, possibly suffering from cancer for all his hateful dictatorial duties like killing off adversaries by poisoning and try to wrestle back parts of Old Russia from modern Ukraine.

But US inflation, which some say is being done on purpose by Biden and the powers that pull his strings, is not the fault of Putin or anyone else outside. We have a wasteful military-industrial complex to enrich. And all those Pentagon and oil officials are not about to bankrupt the country unless it benefits them, which it seems to be doing as military spending is up, oil prices are up, and everything else will soon be up, thanks to Biden's decisions.

Ukraine War is over, but no one will tell us because there's too much profit
being made as money is pulled out of US public's pocket to pay profiteers.

Pussy Riot and WQ oppose Putin.
Ukraine isn't to blame for our food prices or shortages of baby formula, but that's sure what they say on TV and the nightly news. Look into it. The story is much more complex and could easily have been (and was) foreseen. We allow monopolies then cry with feigned surprise that it comes back to bite us. It is our president's fault, and billionaire Jeff Bezos' WashPo has an editorial board that is joining Biden in this deception. Hate Putin if you must, but blaming a strawman for a demented leader's actions? That's foolish.

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