Sunday, June 12, 2022

Super Heroine: Healer Donna Eden (video)

Donna Eden (; Eva O. (Super Heroines); Ed., Wisdom Quarterly
(Another super heroine is Eva O. and her band the Super Heroines, who sing "Death on the Elevator")

Fairies (devis) are beings from other kingdoms
Rarely do we ever meet anyone who is the "real thing." Sadly, most of us think we know what that would look like. Not necessarily. Almost necessarily, our assumptions, ideas, and projections will only get in the way.
Donna Eden is a klutz, a bonehead, the definitive airhead, space cadet, frivolous scatterbrain. But, goodness, she REALLY can move unseen energy, see invisible energy, heal with energy. It doesn't matter if one believes or not because she demonstrates it on the spot right in this body.

Why do girls outgrow the fairy stage?
Watching her, she's a fairy, a nut, a weirdo, just some Karen with fake enthusiasm and bubbling joy. What a fake! But keep watching. She really is those good things, not just a common virtue signaler. She really is enthusiastic, maybe too much so, overflowing with joy, able to see and move energy, able to heal.

She's an empath, a magician, a wise woman. She has a book of spiritual exercises that was so helpful in getting better when some of us needed to get better and no else one could help, certainly not regular allopathic doctors.

There's energy (prana) all around us!
Thanks to Lisa Garr, co-founder of The Aware Show, it was possible to see and sit with Eden. She used one of us as a demonstration. These things were really happening. We were living them awake and skeptical, watching and not hoping for much. It was like learning reiki and realizing, wow, this is not all woo-woo. Whatever woo-woo or assumptions we add, there really is something here.

Talk show host Lisa Garr is a klutz, airhead, space cadet, brain damaged bicyclist, so isn't it odd that she's an empath and a sensitive? Does one have to be one to be the other? No! Attorney Dr. Deborah King, Ph.D., proves that. She's a whip smart lawyer and no pushover. Yet, she has these abilities, having cultivated them out of a need to survive childhood trauma.

But of them all, if one were in need of immediate healing, we would direct that body-mind complex to Healer Donna Eden:

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