Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Sick R. Kelly vs. sicker Ghislane Maxwell

Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY

Hey, I'm just playing by the rules of being rich.
It's a sick, sad world. So if you're going to commit sex crimes, be an attractive white female. It'll go better at sentencing. This is the message we're left with. OJ Simpson caused an outrage, but at the same time George Bush was killing 100,000 or so Iraqi soldiers, ordering them to be buried alive with bulldozers as they dug in to defend their country from a US invasion, after the US and CIA failed to rein in their creation and former Puppet most friendly to the West, Dictator Saddam Hussein.
It's great being rich. - And white! lol
Pres. Bush, Sr. had been CIA chief before his presidency, so it was no trouble ordering the ruin of the small oil-rich kingdom his agency helped Saddam Hussein build. But all the US media and consumers of such media wanted to talk about was a Black man who killed a blond and another guy. That's the crime of the century. No one can defend vulgar R. Kelly who brought this upon himself first in his actions and then in a terrible interview. But any objective measure shows that professional blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein of Pedophile Island accomplice Ghislane Maxwell did far more harm to far more people, particularly underage girls, yet she only got a 20-year sentence. Such is the injustice system in the US, and anyone who notices will be called insensitive to the crimes committed in the first place. What about PizzaGate, what about pedophile Bill Gates and other famous names not revealed in a public trial of Epstein?

Poor R Kelly. He should have bought from us.
Ghislane Maxwell is not on suicide watch because she is threatening to commit suicide. She is afraid for her life because a cellmate publicly declared that she was repeatedly offered money by officials in the jail to kill Maxwell. Get Ghislane, which the inmate planned to do for the money being offered her. She faces the great likelihood of being murdered just like Jeffrey Epstein then of having the death declared a suicide just as with Epstein.

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