Thursday, June 30, 2022

[US proxy] war in Ukraine to cause famine

RealLifeLore, 6/30/22; Jimmy Dore, Kurt Metzger (; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Why [US proxy] war in Ukraine is causing apocalyptic famine
(RealLifeLore, June 30, 2022) Watch the full companion video covering the Transnistria conflict here: Subscribe:​​​ Select video clips courtesy of Getty Images. Select video clips courtesy of the Archive. Special thanks to MapTiler/OpenStreetMap, contributors, and GEOlayers 3.

(TJDS) Zoolander comedian Ben Stiller in Ukraine, visiting Zelenski on behalf of Hollywood, which vigorously supports the US war there along with industry (profiteering corporate interests), the CIA, and the official military (Pentagon) and Democratic administration, which has reeked more havoc on the world since Uncle Joe's inauguration than madman Trump did in all his chaotic years in office trying to abrogate more power to himself, particularly on Jan. 6th.

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