Monday, September 26, 2022

Egoic LOVE is the worst thing (video)

Aerosmith (Cryin'), Alicia Silverstone; Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, Crystal Q., Wisdom Quarterly

I wouldn't off myself for you, Dumb*ss
In this interesting and overly-viewed video, our vegan pal from the ValleyAlicia "CherSilverstone, plays a jilted partner cheated on by some great looking guy.

Old men, the father of her friend and fellow vegan actor Liv Tyer, a grizzled group of Summer of '69 oldsters calling themselves the Aeronautical Smiths (probably from wanting to work at Boeing-Northrop-Grumman in the neighboring South Bay of LA) or something, depict
  • how quickly the heart attaches to a pleasant object (in this case a boyfriend),
  • how easily it's hurt by betrayal (his attraction and consummation with another alluring object), 
  • how dumb all the things we try to cope with the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune: tattoos, piercings, skimpy outfits, junk food, convertibles...
Whoever works for the record company compiling these music videos sure knows a thing or two about pop psychology. We're all eyes and ears, and it's a pretty good Southern rock song or pop schlock ala Jon "Casanova" Bon Jovi, a competing performer.

Good work, Liv Tyler's dad! The moral of the story? Egoic love (self-deluded clinginess) sucks and hurts.

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