Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Greg Palast: Georgia's vote suppression (film), Pacifica Free Speech Radio Los Angeles (; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
Vigilante: One-night impact screenings Los Angeles | Oakland | Milwaukee by Greg Palast
October 26, 2022 in LA: Greg Palast's new film Vigilante, which is narrated by Rosario Dawson and presented by Martin Sheen, opened in Atlanta and Chicago for special one-night screenings to packed houses and rave reviews. The film now moves to Los Angeles, Oakland, and Milwaukee. More

Greg Palast has written four New York Times bestsellers, including Armed Madhouse, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, and The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, a major nonfiction movie available on Amazon. It can be streamed FREE by Prime members. Support The Palast Investigative Fund to keep Palast's work alive. Become a monthly contributor and automatically receive Palast's new films and books when released. Stay informed, get a signed DVD of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, a signed copy of the companion book, or better still get the combo.

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