Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Trans? Have LGBTQI...LMNOP gone too far?

John Oliver, Last Week Tonight, HBO, Oct. 16, 2022; CC Liu, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
(LastWeekTonight) John Oliver discusses the latest round of attacks on transgender rights, what’s at stake, and the filthiest of the “Peanuts” characters.

Anti-trans activist Chris Rufo (Megyn Kelly)
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What causes transgender kids?
These boys are twins, or are they?
Is it natural variation? Some. Parenting? Could be? Chemicals in our food and environment? Look at the frogs. Dr. Joel Wallach, Ph.D. has found the scientific answer: a nutritional deficiency in the diet of gestating mothers. Unless corrected at that time, gender dysphoria and confusion is the likely outcome. What trace mineral, vitamin, or nutritive essence is at the core of this researched explanation? Go to criticalhealthnews.com and contact Dr. Wallach directly. Or listen to him on KOMY and Coast to Coast. He is condemned out of hand for suggesting any such thing. But facts are facts. It is either scientifically demonstrable or not.

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