Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Last solar eclipse of 2022: Tuesday, Oct. 25

Eds., Wisdom Quarterly OPINION; Space.com

Everything NASA tells us is a lie. - John Lear
According to space.com there will be a solar eclipse today -- Tuesday, Oct. 25 -- just in time to confuse all the spirits stirring for their annual appearance on the human plane. Animals will be disturbed, too, as they seem to be able to see them. What causes an eclipse?

The unrecognized Rahu (alternating with Ketu) strays across the sky and covers it, according to the ancient Dharmic religions of India -- Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Brahmanism, Skihism, and possibly Rumi's Sufism (which is technically mystical Islam) -- not to mention the biblical views of Sumer, Judea, and Christiandom.
Sure, science has a different explanation that drowns everyone else out. How dare a religion have a point of view. Something about the sun be 400 times farther away than the moon but at a perfect distance to seem exactly the same size as the moon. That's unlikely and not what our eyes tell us. But who are we to believe, what someone says science says or what we say when we look up and see for ourselves?

Where in the world is Dal Lake, India/Pakistan? (wikipedia)
In any case, however it happens, someone celestial object is getting in the way of another today. And that may have some astrological portent. Maybe a "dark pall" has spread over the British Empire because Rishi Sunak has become the first person of color (and Hindu) to become the country's political leader?

Or maybe it's American royal K Ye West spreading his dark message of antisemetism and white supremacy (Trump loving White Lives Matter moves). Or maybe the billions of oppressed "darker" people of color on the planet are reflected in the skies.

Or maybe it's the scourge of anti-dark worldwide racism wrought by white supremacists worldwide trying to keep an advantage provided to them by past and present empires (like the Greeks of yore and Americans of Apocalypse Now).

Who knows for sure? Any symbolism could be made out of it, depending on how one chooses to see natural phenomena play out over our personal affairs and points of view.

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