Tuesday, October 25, 2022

People don't like Jews or Kanye (video)

Sheldon S., Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; FOX; IE; CBS
Ya regret Pete? Now ya take me back? Ya'see, I'm bigger than Trump! - Take your meds.

Banner saying ‘Kanye is right about the Jews’ hung over the 405 Freeway in LA
(FOX 11 Los Angeles, Oct. 24, 2022) An antisemitic hate group was behind a banner hung over a busy Los Angeles freeway on Saturday saying “Kanye is right about the Jews,” after Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, made a string of antisemitic comments in recent weeks.

Anti-Semitic banners hung on overpass of LA freeway
(Inside Edition, Oct. 24, 2022) Anti-Semitic banners were hung over a freeway in Los Angeles. Some of the banners read, “Honk if you know Kanye is right about the Jews,” referring to comments recently tweeted out by Ye, also known as Kanye West. While the comments were removed from Twitter, the artist had made statements claiming that people were being “controlled by Jews.” [He's gone DefCon 3 on an ethnic group.] Inside Edition Digital’s Mara Montalbano has more.

Kanye West's "White Lives Matter" shirts given out to homeless people in LA's Skid Row
(CBS Los Angeles, Oct. 18, 2022)  A known associate of Kanye West posted a video of a group apparently handing out the artist's infamous "White Lives Matter" shirts to the poorest of the poor living on Skid Row. Laurie Perez reports.

Hallelujah, Drake's God's Plan is da shiznit!
People don't like Jews. People dislike Jews. That may sound controversial, but it's often denied. "It's all a misunderstanding." Some people, such as American in exile Eric Dubay, don't think it's a misunderstanding. They are disliked.

Do Jews have an outsized influence on US media news and entertainment? You can't ask that! That question's anti-Semetic. Are Blacks Semetic? The Los Angeles City Council exploded over an anti-Black racism scandal that continues to reverberate over the country's second largest city, which seems like the largest by far. Maybe it's its second place public school system, size wise. LA trails NY.

There are not now nor have there ever been even a million Jews in the USA. Jews make up 2% of the population, and if the population is 350,000,000, that would be 700,000 Jews, mostly concentrated in metropolitan areas, particularly NY and LA.
Whites give swastikas a bad name? One white.
What a shock that Kanye Ye West-Kardashian is not a fan of an entire people, echoing the splash Mel Gibson once made when he was drunk. Maybe Ye is just off his meds, one of the symptoms of which is anti-Semetism? Recently, West tried to shock the world by wearing "White Lives Matter" shirts. Candace Owens and a cadre of Uncle Toms almost certainly agree. (All lives don't matter until Black Lives Matter, but the BLM organization is not doing Black people any favors by malfeasance and financial shennanigans. Should Candace Owens be shut down and canceled for saying so? The world loves a whistleblower for saying what we already think but hates one for going against the grain and surprising us. "Ain't nobody got time for that." For what? For anyone else's version of "truth."

I'll come up with the questions and the data.
So let's stick to the facts. Where do facts come from? From the university and private corporate researchers, which seem overrepresented in one group, per capita. What percentage of any ethnic or religious group go to college or go into a given field? Those are facts, data, no one is inclined to ask.

We are living in a post-Obama America, so racism is over. Trump indicates that America is racist all over again, possibly more so than before. Or it's more explicit. Are there Neo Nazis in the US? Yes. Are there Neo Nazis in Ukraine? Yes. Aha, there can't be because the elected leader of Ukraine is a Jew! It's ridiculous to think the race of a figurehead determines what the person on the street is up to. Racism ended in England yesterday as an Indian Hindu took office as prime minister. Who believes that?

I agree with the majority and science.
There's just as much racism there as there was before. Are things getting better? Yes, one hopes. Will there be a British backlash? You bet. So let's look at what Black Trump (Ye West) has been up to, stirring the unmelting pot that is the US:

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