Tuesday, October 25, 2022

WAR, war, we MUST have war!!! (video)

Jimmy Dore (TJDS); Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Who will stand up for peace and against war if not The Squad and Dems in power? It will have to be the people, the radicals yet again. The mainstream media is constantly promoting war and turning the sentiments of ordinary Americans to a two-minutes hate against Russia and Pres. Vlad Putin, while sentimentally sympathizing with Ukraine and Pres. Vlad Zelenskyy. Sympathy good, pro-war sentiments bad. CIA and Pentagon propaganda and participation in this proxy war (war being fought on behalf of the West, NATO, and US "interests") is turning left leaning liberals and usually thoughtful progressives into rabid warmongers calling for war, demanding war, accepting nothing less than war. The US and NATO purposely provoked war by going back on promises not to recruit for NATO among Russia's neighbors. This was to create an opening to return to war-without-end with a reasonable opponent (as the Cold War proved Russia/USSR to be). The US thrives on its military-industrial complex. It needs it to mint new millionaires and enrich current billionaires. Ukrainians be damned, Russian be scared, China we hope you're watching. The USA is the military bully of the world, along with its usual business of . See John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 3rd Edition. It has been this way for a long time. See War is a Racket by US General Smedley Butler (1935).

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