Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Giving Tuesday: a day to practice dana

Amber, Ananda, Ashley, CC, Crystal, Pat, Seth, Seven, Sheldon, Pfc. S (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
I would be Mega Meditator and Wonder Heart!
After splurging on Black Friday then supporting the community on Small Business Saturday then losing it on Cyber Monday -- after swearing off consumer capitalism -- we arrive at GivingTuesday, a chance to make up for our egocentric lobha ("greedy, passionate, self-seeking" tendencies) and do something in the other direction: letting go. It's good to share, to give, to benefit others. It's enlightened self-interest because helping others -- particularly in terms of promoting the Truth (the Awakened One's Dharma or Doctrine of Liberation, the Path to Complete Freedom from all Suffering, the Dharma-dana) is the greatest giving.

Wisdom Quarterly's top supporter
Keep Wisdom Quarterly and Dharma Buddhist Meditation (three Meetups) going. Find a way to give. The best way is with a message of encouragement or volunteering or sending in a story or event idea. Monetary help also helps but is harder to give. Remember what the Buddha taught: It's good to give, give with our own hands, give with a mind/heart of generosity (letting go), knowing that karma (deeds leading to results) is real, with clear intention to benefit others, ourselves, and the larger community of living beings.
What's Wisdom Quarterly's goal? Liberating-wisdom (prajna, paññā, knowing-and-seeing)

There are other ways to develop dana (letting go): Buddhist Global Relief (help.rescue.org)

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