Monday, January 30, 2023

Buzz Aldrin marries at 93; Back to the Future, Jimmy Kimmel Live! Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly
  • EDITOR: Buzz, she's generations younger than you! What in the world could you two possibly have to talk about?
  • BUZZ: Talk?
  • EDITOR: Oh, OK, in that case, carry on. But stop punching people in the face for calling you a liar who never actually went to the moon (even if you might have been hypnotized to forget you've been lying about ever since).
The moon landing footage we all saw on TV was as fake as fake could be. Thanks, Stanley Kubrick, for leaving in all the mistakes then putting in all those Easter eggs in your movies to hint at what you had done. But that's not to say we've never been to the moon, Luna/Soma, only that we didn't get to see it all happening as we were told. Try telling that to Eugene "Buzz" Aldrin, as some have, and he'll punch you in the face. Noted researcher Eric Dubay, a much maligned American whistleblower, says the moon is not at all what we're told so could never be landed on. In any case, many say we're being treated to a hologram in the sky covering the actual moon, which is in the atmosphere, according to Russian science, and is not nearly so far away as we are told. The same is true of our sun, Sol/Surya, which is of the same size, circling around above us being chased by the moon, in accordance with many religious traditions and their ancient cosmologies. Who knows for sure what is true, but are we allowed to QUESTION others' opinions and expert analyses of what's "true," or must we just buy and believe what the "experts" tell us? We're better off listening to comedians for the news if that's the case. For example, what about COVID and the plandemic? Who did Buzz marry in Los Angeles this week? Dr. Anca Faur, who's only three decades younger.

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