Monday, January 30, 2023

Learn storytelling from radio star Lisa Garr

Host Lisa Garr, The Aware Show; Ananda (Dharma B Meditation), Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly

Lisa Garr co-hosts on Coast
Radio host Lisa Garr is offering a free call Monday, January 30th, at 3:00 pm Pacific Time, and she really hopes everyone can join in. It’s fulfilling to hear each other's stories and recognize that we are all on similar journeys but with flavors unique to each of us. Often the biggest blockages to living lives that are deeply nourishing are just muddied visions of ourselves and our stories. And she’s come up with a refreshing way to help us lift our gaze. Bring a cup of tea and join her this Monday at 3:00 pm by clicking the link here to save a spot. She looks forward to connecting with everyone then.

In love & gratitude,


Coast to Coast (
Hay House

Register first. Then save this information for the call on January 30th:

Best of The Aware Show (podcast)
Marci Shimoff: Your Year of Miracles 2023 – Part 1 (January 25, 2023 • 31 mins) Do you believe that miracles can happen to you? Or are they just found in fairytales? Today’s guest, New York Times best-selling author of Happy for No Reason Marci Shimoff says anyone can set up the conditions for miracles to occur. She’s a well-known happiness expert who has been featured in The Secret and has built a community of more than 500,000 people from 88 countries around the world who have participated in her “Your Year of Miracles” program over the last 10 years. Dr Sue Morter and Lisa Garr are also co-hosts of the program. How is it that so many people worldwide participate? According to Marci, happiness is a universal language! But she wasn’t always the happy person she is today. In fact, Marci says she “was born depressed.” Although she had a wonderful upbringing, she always felt like she had a dark cloud around her. Marci experienced continuous existential angst which may have been caused by past lives or ancestorial linage. This led her to seek out people who were truly happy and she learned how to raise her Happiness Setpoint. She has developed a formula so we can all have a bit more happiness in our lives and she shares tips which can be used daily. Learn how 2023 can be a “restart” so that you can truly be the creator of your own reality! For more information about her program and to receive a free eBook, please visit

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