Thursday, January 12, 2023

When animals ask humans for help (video)

MAD LAB, Dec. 9, 2022; Crystal Quintero, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Animals that asked people for help and kindness
(MAD LAB) Imagine walking somewhere when suddenly there's an animal that needs help. Would you just walk by? If not then this video is for you! Today we’re showing the most incredible examples of kindness (metta in Buddhism) when animals had to ask humans of all people for help -- and people answered the call! (That karuna, compassion, or kindness in action). This will help restore everyone's faith in humanity. (Watching gives us mudita, happiness in the joy of others. Now if we could just calm down and be equanimous about it because that would be the Four Divine Abidings).

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