Saturday, January 14, 2023

Worlds Apart: Parallel Lives (video)

Daughtry, Lzzy Hale, Gal Godot, C. Pine; Dhr. Seven, Kalyani, Wisdom Quarterly; Dhammawood
Figure it out. How hard is it to figure out?
Parallel Lives: You in snow and I in sunshine, you relish flesh and I their lives save, when I was a seeker and you had found less-death.

You spawned children and I still wander, you pair and mate and I their hearts spare, when I was a seeker and you had found the deathless.

Was I to blame for pulling away or for your part how you spoke not and expected things to be plain?

Who, me, understand? "Figure it out, Chief." But I never would. It was all implicit, to be inferred; would I impute or let it unfurl?

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