Friday, June 30, 2023

Revealing Great Pyramid secrets (video)

Why the oldest stories of the Great Pyramid are wrong
(History for GRANITE) June 2, 2023. Four ancient authors of antiquity have had their detailed descriptions of the Great Pyramid survive to the present day.

But Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, Strabo, and Pliny the Elder all fail to record any mention of the Great Pyramid's upper chamber system. This video examines why these four likely missed the upper chamber system based upon a pattern of deception that spans thousands of years.

Let's examine how the Great Pyramid would have been experienced by visitors throughout history and why their telltale graffiti is often lost to the ravages of time.

Thanks always to fellow researchers whose efforts contributed to this video, particularly Stefan Bergdoll's writings, Valery Senmuth's photos, and an anonymous pal who has brought to light improved versions of the Edgar Brothers' photographic plates from 1910.

Bright Insight tells it how it is on Joe Rogan.

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