Friday, June 30, 2023

What are advertisers trying to say? (comedy)

Melted Bodies band, 1/6/20; Jordan (FH Show, KLOS), Seth Auberon (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

"Ad People" by Melted Bodies
(Melted Bodies) Melted Bodies [like BAT (Bad Acid Trip), a kind of poor man's System of a Down] creates music for people to propel their limitless potential.

MB aims to inspire a can-do attitude that's culturally relevant, relatable, safe, and accessible to everyone. Instead of breaking boundaries, let's shatter them into a million mobile-friendly pieces, together.

Motion creates e-motion, and e-motion creates content that challenges our core cultural influencers in our ever-increasingly connected world.

These are all ideas and themes that we can leverage and take advantage of in the new media democracy.

MB are here to target influencer content and engage media partners through collective storytelling and game-changing ideas.

Autonomous social media helps drive peer to peer authentic engagements that can be tracked and measured to create augmented experiences which can then be leveraged to connect human truths.

MB's aim is to pander to the needs and wants of these global progressive influencers and pander they will. Fc$k me, fc$k you.

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